Predicting the future of the Redskins brand

This week, the Washington Post Frances Stead Sellers invent a time when the analysis of the data analysis will contribute argued that language, language expert Geoffrey Nunberg, said. However, to pose the question of linguistic debate over the Washington Redskins team name is only one dimension of trademark law, marketing considerations, concern for social justice, economic or political pressure will eventually convincing evidence has been fighting for change.
Redskins-term history of the debate over the name of the newspaper, using the Native American groups to report to the defense prior to a positive working pro bono linguistics, was humiliating during registration and Nunberg, an important issue to illustrate the use of the term "Between 1920 and 1979 the term 'Native American' far more "India" more so "wild" has negative connotations associated with adjectives, the "bloodthirsty" and "predatory." Nunberg Washington Post said: "Racist use is usually a deliberate choice, unreflecting habit of mind is not the only one."
As mentioned above, however, many of these discussions is not only the linguistic dimension. If not - - in this case for a change in the environment, it has become the most powerful force leads to a situation of uncertainty. The political world, such as Native Americans, their nickname, the American people and the peoples of the Trademark Act as the most recent non-disparagement derogatory slur used to introduce legislation to prevent teams Congressman Mike Honda's steps were taken. existing federal law clearly fall foul of their own standards that allow you to cancel trademarks retrospective, a judge, as well as focuses on the Redskins. However, the bill has been submitted and will be a surprise if you move farther along in the legislative process.
When it comes to the world of the brand, it also marks the TTAB has lifted the team to challenge the decision that was not the first time. In 1992, the American artist and activist Suzan Harjo, because they disregard the Lanham Act in 1999, Native Americans, it was humiliating marks TTAB ruled that (a) to cancel a number of Section 2 of the Redskins, has applied for registration. However, both based on a review of the court overturned the decision on the merits, and laches. Currently a result of problems remains to be seen, but it's also a lot of debate over the role of government in deciding how humiliating it would. 'To change the password "why the pressure of the American Civil Liberties Union, for example, they" must have "name the team the option" failed ", while arguing, Blackhorse a friend last month and filed a brief pro football t Select the role of government and" not acceptable and Select the idea.
TTAB decision is upheld, then the team is still in the process of common law rights, does not require a change in name. Team owner Daniel Snyder will be the name that remained firm in its position, so maybe the latest trademark law does not hold sway. James Bikoff, Smith, Gambrell & Russell IP practice partner, said: "Snyder never voluntarily leave the name, in many cases to the public. The public may change under pressure, but I soon will have to decide if it's for a few years, and applications You can drag the score with handles. So there will be no change in the law in the near future. He's going to leave a lot of goodwill built up a decision to get rid of the name, if not - prices have been in use since 1960, is very valuable and fans here in DC if you talk to the "name can not be changed, it will.
Edward O'Hara, senior partner of the brand and design consultancy SME Brand ago, Miami University (Ohio) to transfer the "Redskins" to "Redhawks and to change the name of St. John's team, worked with a lot of sports brands" Redstorm "to" REDMEN "in its name. The change is not easy, given his experience, he explained, it is possible to take the heritage and identity of the team said: "Daniel Synder decided to go ahead, this is a very simple fix is ​​probably there. I even 'R' or Native American profile may need to change the image, I do not think there is any need to change the color. You just have to accept the pain caused by the removal of a component, you do not need to be dramatic. "